Committee on Alcohol and Drug Abuse

The mission of the Committee on Alcohol and Drug Abuse shall be to provide confidential peer intervention, counseling, and support to other members of the legal profession experiencing difficulty with alcohol, drug and other addictions. In the performance of its mission, members of the committee shall be afforded the privilege, confidentiality and immunity protections of La. R.S. 37:211 and Louisiana Supreme Court Rule XIX. The committee shall be appointed by the LSBA President solely upon nomination of existing committee members, provided the individuals meet the criteria set forth in the operating procedures established by the committee. The identity of CADA members shall otherwise remain confidential except at the discretion of CADA or its members.
Louisiana State Bar Association
601 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70130
(800) 421-LSBA(5722) / (504) 566-1600