LSBA House of Delegates

The Articles of Incorporation define the House of Delegates as the Association’s policy-making body. Created in 1957, the House meets at least twice each year: during the Association’s Annual Meeting and during the Association’s Midyear Meeting. Through authority vested to it in the Articles, the House has adopted Rules of Procedure which govern its meetings and administration. The Association president presides over meetings of the House of Delegates.

House members serve two-year terms and are elected from their respective judicial districts, with districts being entitled to one delegate for each district judge (including civil district judges, criminal district judges and family court judges). Delegates from the 1st through 19th judicial districts serve terms beginning in even-numbered years and those from the 20th through 42nd judicial districts serve terms beginning in odd-numbered years. To be eligible for reelection, a delegate must attend at least 50 percent of all meetings held during his/her term or 50 percent of the in-state meetings held during his/her term, whichever is less. Provided attendance requirements are met, there is no limit to the number of consecutive terms a delegate may serve. Also, in accordance with the Rules of the House, the chair of each of the Association’s voluntary sections serves as an ex-officio voting member of the House.

Meeting of House of Delegates
The House of Delegates met at 9 a.m., Saturday, January 18, 2025 in Baton Rouge, LA.

Louisiana State Bar Association
601 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70130
(800) 421-LSBA(5722) / (504) 566-1600