Louisiana Bar Journal

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The LSBA offers its members print and online publications to stay current on general legal issues and on Association projects and services. Members receive the LSBA's archived publication, the Louisiana Bar Journal, a bimonthly magazine containing substantive law articles and Association news. The Recent Developments section in each Journal is essential reading for lawyers to learn of changes in the laws. LSBA members also receive the online, bimonthly Bar Briefs. which features Association news.

Disclaimer: Contributions to the Louisiana State Bar Association’s website and the Louisiana Bar Journal are welcomed, but the right is reserved to select material to be published. Publication of any article or statement is not to be deemed a statement or an endorsement of the views expressed therein by the LSBA or any member of the LSBA, nor shall publication of any advertisement be considered a statement or an endorsement of the product or service involved by the LSBA or any member of the LSBA. Views expressed are those of the authors and contributors only.

The LSBA archives the Louisiana Bar Journal and the Bar Briefs online. To search for a specific article or to review the whole publications, you may query the publication database by month, year and/or keyword.  Review disclaimer information. 

Read the Louisiana Bar Journal, Volume I, Number I, July 1953.

Read the Louisiana Bar Journal, Volume 33, Number 4, December 1985, "Space Law for the Louisiana Practitioner" by Anthony P. Dunbar.

Louisiana Bar Journal: February/March 2025 - Vol. 72 No. 5
Whole Publication (12.11 MB)
President's Message (427 KB)
Lawyer Wellness in the Legal Profession
Patrick A. Talley, Jr.
Featured Article (580 KB)
Navigating Transparency: Louisiana’s New Law Impacting Litigation Finance
Nicholas W. D’Aquilla
Featured Article (474 KB)
In-Depth Look at the New AAA Construction Industry Arbitration Rules
Iman Hyder-Eliz and Anthony M. DiLeo
Featured Article (685 KB)
Paws, Claws and Divorce Laws: Reconsidering Pet Custody in Louisiana
Ryan P. Simoneaux
Recent Developments (1.42 MB)
Louisiana State Bar Association
601 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70130
(800) 421-LSBA(5722) / (504) 566-1600