Transition Into Practice (TIP) Mentoring Program
Thank you for your interest in the TIP Mentoring Program!
The Transition Into Practice (TIP) Program is available statewide for newly admitted LSBA attorneys. It is formally approved and encouraged by the Louisiana Supreme Court and administered by the LSBA, through its Committee on the Profession.
Through the TIP Program, mentors are paired (one on one) to assist in teaching mentees practical knowledge of what they will encounter in the profession. Mentors must be in good standing, have no public disciplinary history, and must have at least 10 years of experience. Mentors can receive up to 6.0 hours of free CLE credit by volunteering.
Mentors and mentees will meet four times over the course of the program to discuss various well-defined and organized topics. There is a TIP Handbook available which contains all the information mentors would need to cover the topics required by the program. Mentors are not required to do any independent preparation other than reviewing the handbook; most of the information shared will come from personal experience. Topics such as civility, professionalism, work/life balance, careers and career objectives, law school debt, conflicts, ethics issues for the new lawyer, dealing with the “difficult” client, time records, billing, fees, trust accounts and sharing fees and expenses are included.
Mentors from all parishes, all practice areas, any practice type are encouraged to enroll!
This is an excellent opportunity to assist a newly admitted attorney and the Bar certainly appreciates all volunteers.
Further information about the program and mentor qualifications can be obtained at the Mentoring Homepage or by contacting Brooke Theobold (504-619-0138), LSBA Professional Programs.