La. Supreme Court Seeking Comments on Proposed Revisions to Rule XVII

The Louisiana Supreme Court is considering amending Louisiana Supreme Court Rule XVII. The amendments would create a new Section 17 to Rule XVII and would permit experienced out-of-state attorneys to take a truncated bar examination (the five Code sections only) instead of the full nine-part written examination. The response deadline for comments is June 30.

Among other things, in order to qualify to take this truncated bar exam, an attorney would have to have been engaged in the active practice of law for five out of the last seven years immediately preceding the date of application and would need to be a resident of the state of Louisiana prior to admission to the Bar. In addition, an applicant would be subject to all the other requirements for admission to the Bar in Rule XVII, including (but not limited to) character and fitness requirements, educational requirements, etc.

To review the proposed rule changes, go to:, under “Court News.” (Proposed additions are underlined; proposed deletions are struck through.)

Before further consideration of the adoption of the proposed rule, the Supreme Court is interested in hearing comments on this matter from members of the Bar and the public. Note that any comments submitted pursuant to this notice are available for public inspection.
Comments may be mailed or emailed by the June 30 deadline to David Becker, Louisiana Supreme Court, Ste. 1190, 400 Royal St., New Orleans, LA 70130; email

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