30-Day Public Comment Period Open on Proposed Amendments to Louisiana District Court Rules The Louisiana Supreme Court’s Court Rules Committee is proposing new amendments to Appendix 28.1B of the Louisiana District Court Rules. The proposed amendments are posted online in the “Court News” section on the Supreme Court’s website, http://www.lasc.org. The proposed changes will remain posted through Feb. 14.Interested parties wanting to comment on the proposed amendments during the 30-day period may do so via electronic mail, facsimile or U.S. mail. Submit all emails to distctrules@lasc.org. Comments may be faxed to the Court Rules Committee at (504)310-2606, or mailed to Court Rules Committee, Louisiana Supreme Court, Ste. 1190, 400 Royal St., New Orleans, LA 70130. Any comments submitted pursuant to this notice are available for public inspection. Once the 30-day period has expired, the Court Rules Committee will review all comments, make any changes it deems appropriate, and then submit a final draft to the Supreme Court for review and approval.