Nomination Announcements
The Louisiana State Bar Association is now accepting nominations for its 2025 Pro Bono Publico Award, Friend of Pro Bono Award, Law Student Award, Century Club Award, Career Public Interest Award, David A. Hamilton Lifetime Achievement Award, and Children's Law Award.
Nominations close Thursday, February 13, 2025.
Guidelines for Nominators
General Criteria:
- No recipient may receive the same award in consecutive years for substantially the same or similar activities.
- Unless otherwise specified, nomination information should focus on pro bono work or efforts completed in the past 12 months.
- Nominees should not have been compensated for the efforts or initiatives for which they are nominated, nor should the work have been completed in the general course of their employment.
- Several awards provide multiple criteria under which the nomination may be made. Unless otherwise specified, the nominee need not meet all criteria. However, you must provide detailed information for the section under which you are making the nomination to ensure that your nominee meets that particular criterion
How to Use the Online Form:
- Make sure to fill in every field of the nomination form with sufficient information for the Nomination Review Committee to determine a nominee’s merit for the award.
- Please submit nominations early, if possible. Doing so allows ATJ staff time to review your nomination before the submission deadline and provide suggestions which may strengthen your nomination.
- PLEASE REGULARLY SAVE INFORMATION YOU HAVE ENTERED INTO THE NOMINATION FORM. After a period of inactivity or if you leave the page, information you have entered may be lost unless it has been saved.
- For your convenience, nominations can be made over several visits to our nomination website. You can start a nomination form and then return to finish it or edit information previously entered.
- The nomination form allows you to include only one attachment. If you wish to include multiple attachments, you may create a zip file or a pdf file that contains multiple documents.
Submit Nominations