Those who are not able to attend the new date should email Jordan Maier to cancel at
Bar Center
601 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans LA 70130
9AM - 2:15PM
This training, sponsored by the LSBA Access to Justice Commission, is designed to educate attorneys listed on the LSBA’s Modest Means Directory and attorneys who volunteer for the Re-Entry Legal Clinic. The Re-Entry Legal Clinic is operated by the Justice and Accountability Center, First 72+, and Southeast Louisiana Legal Services, and was created to reduce the legal barriers people face after incarceration in order to ensure their successful reentry. The full agenda and speaker bios can be found here
8:30 - 9:00 AM Opening Remarks
Laura Tuggle, Southeast Louisiana Legal Services
9:00 – 10:00 AM A First Step to Successful Re-Entry – Drivers’ Licenses
(1.0 CLE)
Kelly Orians, First 72+ and Rising Foundations
10:05 – 11:05 AM Handling Traffic Matters and Fines & Fees
(1.0 CLE)
Cherie Teamer, Teamer Law
Sarah Whittington, Justice and Accountability Center of Louisiana
11:20 – 11:50 AM TWIC Applications and Appeals
(0.5 CLE)
Amy Meyers, First 72+ and Rising Foundations
11:50 – 12:20 PM Consumer Debt Collection
(0.5 CLE)
Samuel Ford, Scott, Vicknair, Hair & Checki
12:30 – 1:00 PM Lunch & Learn - Re-Entry Clinic & the Modest Means Directory
(0.5 Prof. CLE)
Prof. Virginia Listach, Southern University Law Center
Vanessa Spinazola, Justice and Accountability Center of Louisiana
1:15 – 2:15 PM Ethical Considerations for SRL and Limited Scope Representation
(1.0 Ethics CLE)
Eric Barefield, Louisiana State Bar Association
For questions, contact Jordan Maier at or (504)619-0145.