On Thursday, November 2nd, the Young Lawyers Division of the Louisiana State Bar Association will hold a Barristers for Boards CLE and Meet & Greet from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The event will be held at Breazeale Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P., One American Place, 301 Main St, Suite 2300, Baton Rouge.
The Barristers for Boards program aims to help young lawyers stay involved in their local communities through placement on nonprofit boards and committees. The LSBA YLD is partnering with the Louisiana Alliance for Nonprofits to connect nonprofits with Louisiana young lawyers.
Barristers for Boards events begin with a one-hour CLE board training presented by the Louisiana Alliance for Nonprofits. Young lawyers will also hear about the challenges and opportunities unique to young lawyers serving on nonprofit boards.
After the CLE, attendees and nonprofit organizations are invited to attend a “meet-and-greet,” where everyone can enjoy wine and hors d’oeuvres while the organizations share their missions, insights about their work, and information about how young lawyers can get involved.
Information about each organization that attends the Barristers for Boards program will be housed on the LSBA YLD’s and Louisiana Alliance for Nonprofits’ websites, so that any Louisiana young lawyer looking to serve on a nonprofit board can easily see what organizations are looking for board members and how to apply.
The LSBA YLD and Louisiana Alliance for Nonprofits look forward to connecting young lawyers with nonprofit organizations in their communities.
Registration will close on Thursday, October 26th.
Click here for organizations.
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