Ethics & Professionalism

Hilton Riverside Hotel
#2 Poydras St. • New Orleans

The LSBA’s inclusion of a program in its CLE programming is not to be deemed a statement or an endorsement of the views expressed therein by the LSBA or any member of the LSBA. Speakers on LSBA programs were carefully selected for their knowledge, but neither the LSBA nor the speaker warrant that the presentations or materials were free of errors, or will continue to be accurate. Statements in the presentations and their materials should be verified before relying on them. Opinions expressed are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect opinions of the LSBA, its sections, or committees. Views expressed are those of the authors and contributors only.

Joint program co-sponsored by LSBA & Gilsbar Specialty Insurance Services, L.L.C.

Get your ethics & professionalism credits early!! *Attendance my qualify your firm for a Loss Control credit on your next professional liability policy written through CNA and administered by Gilsbar. (Subject to company underwriting guidelines: Call 1-800-GILSBAR for details.) 

Click ETHICS & PROF to download seminar flyer!

Registration Fees, Cancellations and Refunds
•  Advanced Registration … $275
•  After Sept. 20 .............  $300
The fee includes electronic course materials, coffee/refreshments, and seminar attendance.

Methods of payment include check, VISA, MC, & Discover. Cash payment not permitted.

Important Note: This program is Paper-Free! Electronic program materials are accessible via a link where attendees can download/save OR download/print the seminar materials. The link will be sent to the email address of record you provided to the LSBA, prior to the seminar. 

Cancellation of registration must be received in writing by the LSBA no later than Sept. 20. Cancellations will receive a full refund, less a $30 administrative charge. Absolutely no refunds will be made after Sept. 20.

CLE Credits: Approved for a maximum of 4 hours of CLE credits, including 3 hours of ethics and 1 hour of professionalism.

For more information, contact: CLE Dept. at (800) 421-5722

Annette Buras               Andrea Amor
(504) 619-0102             (504) 619-0137

Seminar Chair
Andrea B. Owen • Gilsbar, Inc. • Covington

8:30-9:30 a.m.  - (1 credit; Prof.)
Self Care is Significant in the Practice of Law

Dr. Angela White-Bazile • Louisiana Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program, Inc. • Mandeville

9:30-10:30 a.m. - (1 credit: Ethics)
The Case is Over ... Or is It? Ethical Issues in Settling Cases
Thomas P. Owen • Stanley, Reuter, Thornton & Alford • New Orleans

10:30-10:45 a.m.

10:45-11:45 a.m. -
(1 credit; Ethics)
Town Hall with the new Chief Counsel and Recent Developments

Anderson O. “Andy” Dotson III • Louisiana Disciplinary Counsel • Baton Rouge

11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. -
(1 credit; Ethics)
Emerging Issues in Legal Ethics

Stephen J. Herman • Fishman Haygood • New Orleans


Those who plan and teach LSBA seminar are volunteers. Their generous contributions of time, talent and energy make this and every LSBA seminar a success. We deeply appreciate their work.

The LSBA continues to encourage all its members to participate in the preparation and presentation of LSBA CLE programs.

* Please contact the LSBA CLE Dept. if you have a disability which may require special accommodations at this program. The LSBA is committed to enduring full accessibility for all registrants. *

Louisiana State Bar Association
601 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70130
(800) 421-LSBA(5722) / (504) 566-1600