Vlex Fastcase Fasttips & Resources

To encourage smarter, more efficient use, vLex Fastcase has created Fasttips. You already know that vLex Fastcase has an app for iPhone, iPads and Droids, but did you know that you can...

  • create your own advance sheet in e-book format, one month's worth of judicial opinions from courts around the country;
  • batch print up to 20 cases at a time;
  • browse statutes in outline form ;
  • email cases to yourself, colleagues or clients;
  • send your search results to another fastcase user; and
  • use online Live Chat for assistance with your research

Read vLex Fasttips for even more features.

Practice Management

Louisiana State Bar Association
601 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70130
(800) 421-LSBA(5722) / (504) 566-1600