If you suffer from a substance abuse disorder you should seek help immediately. To find a treatment center near you visit https://ldh.la.gov/index.cfm/directory/category/100 to find the head directory office near your service area. The Office of Behavioral Health gives priority admission to the following:
- pregnant women who inject drugs;
- other pregnant women who abuse substances;
- and others who inject drugs.
For these groups, OBH aims to provide addiction services with no or a minimal waiting period. If care is not available to this priority population within 48 hours, the Office will provide interim treatment services as appropriate.
You may also want to join AA (alcoholics anonymous) or NA (narcotic anonymous) local meeting. These meetings can be open or closed to the pubic with the meetings being held in person or online. The meeting consists of fellow substance abusers or family members of abusers who follow a step program to maintain sobriety.
You can also call the SAMHSA national hotline at 1-800-662-4357 to talk to someone asap. Remember the SAMHSA national hotline is free and confidential.